I teach a year-longtarot course and last Tuesday night, we had fun predicting the upcoming General
Election in Aotearoa, New Zealand - as well as the Big Vote in Scotland.
Scotland is on a knife
edge between “Yes” and “No”.
New Zealand too, has had
an exciting campaign with shocking revelations of dirty politics smear
campaigns and Edward Snowdon and Glenn Greenwald revealing this week that our Prime Minister has been
lying when he stated last year (and goes on stating now) that there was/is no
mass surveillance of NZ citizens by NZ spooks.
Prediction is always a bit
like reading the weather and those who live in Aotearoa know how challenging
that is. However let’s bite the bullet and say that we think Scotland is going
to vote “Yes”!
Aotearoa has a MMP
government so figuring out the recipe for a potential coalition brew is a lot
less straightforward to read. The images on the cards we drew are ambiguous in
their interpretations. But with any oracle, hindsight is always a wonderful
thing and offers a juicy learning curve.
There were 5 of us reading
- 3 had strong political feelings, one had no knowledge of politics and one was unable to vote as she was from a
different country. We were using the Illuminati deck by Erick C. Dunne, The Oracleof Delphi by Janet D.H. Hinkel and the Waite-Smith deck. I have included all
the images, as they are crucial when reading the tarot.
We made a cross layout.
The first card represented the Mood of the People. This sat above on the
vertical line of the cross.
King Pentacles
On the left on
horizontal line we pulled 2 cards for the "Yes" vote.
The Empress (Delphi) and
Ace of Fire (Gaia)
On the right of the
cross bar we pulled 2 cards for the "No" vote
7 Wands (W/S) and
Hierophant (W/S)
The last card sat
underneath on the vertical line representing the Outcome
The Illuminati deck’s King of Pentacles and Princess of Wands even look Scottish and vaguely Celtic.
The mood of the people seems
confident in their sense of who they are, thinking about the practical aspects
of the consequences of their decision, especially the economic and financial.
But also aware of their own Scottish wealth such as oil and resourcefulness of
character. This card reminded us also of the Kings and heroes of the past, when
Scotland was an independent nation.
The "Yes" vote was symbolised by the Empress who in this deck is represented by an historical Queen – Zenobia, here shown as a prisoner of Rome. (Rome as a symbol of Empire!)

The Ace of Fire from the
Gaia deck is a baby dragon peeking out of his/her shell. With fireworks in the
sky behind.
The "No" vote has 7 wands in the Waite-Smith deck with a person on higher ground wielding a baton in the face of opposing batons coming at them. Feels like David Cameron and other Brits desperately attempting to turn the flood of popular opinion at the last moment. The traditional meaning of this card is potential success and standing one’s ground. But 7 is always an unpredictable number and Pythagoras likened its movements to a “flock of geese”.
The Hierophant is Westminster, the Establishment, the status quo, hierarchical authorities in their conservative robes preaching convention.

I believe this reading is telling us loud and clear that the Scottish “YES” vote will win. The Scots have fire in their belly – out of the initiating King of Pentacles emerges the fiery Wands suit. Sound out those jolly bagpipes!
As for Aotearoa.
We used a circle. We all
used our different decks and went round the circle pulling a card for each
party. The first and last card were in the middle.
The first card pulled
was placed in the middle and represented What the People Want.
The Empress from the
Illuminati deck shows a splendid ruler seated in countryside holding wheat and
a golden orb. Aotearoa is one of the
richer countries in natural wealth, reliant on an agricultural economy that
sells dairy, meat and food products to the world. We used to think of ourselves
as clean and green but lately our image has been tarnished by polluted waterways
and toxic environments. Our lady’s gorgeous red robe looked like a carpet that
could easily be used to sweep under all kinds of hidden agendas and abuses while
giving us a gorgeous appearance. We have a thriving Green and organic movement,
we love gardening and the great outdoors Mother Earth provides us. But many
women in power are arrogant and materialistic including every woman in Team Key’s
incumbent governing National party.
In general, women in
Aotearoa have an independence and an autonomy that the rest of the world’s
women might envy. However the image also suggests a stationary smugness, a
conservative as well as conservationist approach.
All the rest of the
cards pulled were placed around the circle until the last card which was popped
beside the first card. We placed the different parties in order of their popularity
in the polls.
2. The National party - 8
Swords from the Tarot of Delphi.
This is Andromeda
shackled to a rock on the edge of a troubled sea. She is a sacrifice to appease
angry gods. However although in the image, she is chained, hemmed in by sea and
stone, buffeted by wind, the story goes on that she is rescued. So the National
party is shown as restrained, exposed and subject to censure. All true in this
election campaign, despite the Party’s colossal and overwhelming denial of all
claims and evidence. Although a slavish weak 4th Estate has attempted to shore
them up, maybe this card indicates the general public understands only too well
the need to sacrifice this party? Or perhaps rescue will come from smaller parties?
This party has been
unable to gain traction and is at a very low ebb. Father Time works slowly and
meticulously but in this image is sitting still. There is gravity in his contemplative
pose. The wise owl observes – lessons must be learned. Traditionally a card
that means the need to understand the past, possibly it speaks of the people voting
for this party who are still loyal to the Labour Party’s proud roots. But
others have long memories of all the betrayals of those roots and earlier philosophies.
So this party has the
vehicle to take it where it wants to go. It is a Major Trump, so carries weight
in the spread. I would say its confidence and comprehensive policies will
convince the voting public it can succeed in governance (it has always found itself
in opposition since its formation). This card brings success that is earned
through effort. It also has a ring of victory.
Despite its Minor Arcana
card, this party looks to be in the “Kingmaker” position as far as forming a coalition
government. Its leader Winston Peters is shown doling out favours with two
different competing factions on either side. Confusingly for the predictor, on
his righthand the person receiving his beneficence is dressed in orange (Labour
Party is ‘left’ and red) and the person on his leftside missing out is dressed in blue (National Party is right
and blue). Winston is known for his sleight of hand and ambivalent giving and taking
The man in Blue (Right party) is heaving a weight of sticks but struggling to get over the line. It seems clearly to be saying this Party won’t quite make the numbers of 5% needed to get into parliament (the path is leading to the castle).
7. The Internet-Mana Party
- The Threads of Fate from the Delphi deck.
This is the Wheel of
Fortune in the older decks. In this picture we have the Moirai - the Fates –
spinning the threads of destiny, apportioning life and death. This card
symbolises unexpected fortunes and uncontrollable events. Kim Dotcom, creator
and funder of the Internet party is a larger than life personality who has
dominated the headlines in this election and has been instrumental in bringing
to our attention Greenwald and Snowden’s revelations about mass surveillance on
NZ citizenry. This has been world-wide news which has yet to play out for this
government in all its ramifications. What goes around comes around on the great
wheel of fate.
8. The Maori Party – The Empress from the Gaia deck
So here we have a card
resonating with the mood of the people in card number 1. The Maori party represent
many of the indigenous people of Aotearoa. I would think this means that the
Maori Party will be a significant player in the outcomes of the election. The
barefoot woman is wearing a red dress – does this mean the party will become
more radical in their actions? She appears pregnant, fruitful and empowered.
This does not suggest a party that is disappearing.
9. The United Party - Knight Swords from the Waite-Smith deck
Is the leader – really a
one-man band – Peter Dunne going to be the knight in shiny armour rushing to
the National Party’s distressed side? He’s full of himself and a man with a
10. The Act Party – The Fool
from the Waite-Smith deck
Need I say anything at
all?! Hilarious really. The party is a joke and the leader a racist. So far
down in the polls it hardly rates. Obviously the NZ public think its foolish.
Still one of the meanings of this card is “out of left field” – oops that’s
left field, not right field.
11. The Outcome – sits in
the middle beside Card number 1 - what the people want.
6 Swords from the
Illuminati deck
The woman in the boat
appears to be The Empress (the people) in our red dress. A small child in green
and red sitting elevated on a box - looks beseechingly up at the man rowing
dressed in red. Could this be a coalition of Labour and Green? However if it’s
National rowing us forward, is the small child (party) NZ First?
There are swords
(adversity) blocking our view of the
future and the green land ahead. The woman passenger appears distressed but unresisting.
Certainly many of our electorate appear to be submissive consumers on whatever
the authorities feed us.
There is an ominous
black cloud above the boat – the ship of state – but it sails forward
convincingly. There are 2 patches of blue and red on the bottom of the boat
representing the 2 major parties.
I really can’t call on
this one, but will have fun de-briefing in hindsight.
I welcome your input and
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