Much madness is divinest sense
To a discerning eye:
Much sense the starkest madness.
‘Tis the majority
In this, as all, prevails.
Assent, and you are sane:
Demur – you’re straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain.
Emily Dickinson
The silly season is
galloping in as the year winds down and we wind up. Once upon a time, before we
all came to think of ourselves as consumers, the Solstice was a time when we got
to play the fool. So beginning with nothing – which we all have plenty of –
let’s spin around with zero, sashay with the space, find a few fools and
celebrate silliness. Starting – and ending with the Tarot Fool, making fun
about nothing.
got plenty of nothin’
nothin’s plenty for me
Porgy from Porgy and Bess by Gershwin
the great game of life, Tarot was the most popular card game for over 300 years
throughout Europe. Games played with the Tarot, use the Fool as an expendable
card, playable at any moment, yet incapable of taking any tricks or of being
taken, valuable in points only if held unplayed.
modern Joker in playing cards, invented by the New York Poker Club as a ‘wild
card’ to make the game more interesting, is apparently not related to the Tarot
deck’s Fool – so the authorities say. But it does serve a similar function to
the Tarot Fool - and to the medieval Court Jester; it’s wild, powerless and
free. Paradox rules its being.
Nothin’ ain’t worth nothin’, but it’s free
The Tarot Fool is an
image of everyman and woman and is always un-numbered or takes zero. Skipping
apart from the ordered procession of the other Major Arcana, the tarot Fool has
no number.
Is s/he first or last
in the Arcana sequence?
It is irrelevant, for
the Fool is a nothing - it is neither below one nor less than one - it is no-
one! The zero of the Fool suggests s/he moves before or after, above or below,
in and out of the other personages in the cards. Metaphysically and psychologically
s/he is a wild card.
fool is a holy nothing – a whole, a zero. The zero is as contrary as the
tarot’s Fool for it is a universal symbol of absence or negation, but also a
symbol of completion. Nothing is null and void, insignificant, empty, absent,
insubstantial, worthless. It is the ether, the immensity of space, a point, a
hole, yet also conversely, the whole.
Where did you come from, baby dear?
Out of the everywhere into here.
George MacDonald
every culture uses the circle as a representation of unity, perfection and
cyclical movement.
The circle symbolises
spirit and a circle describes the cosmos – everything unified in the vast realm
of the uni-verse, the one song of life. A circle is alpha and omega where there
is no beginning or end. The ancients said God is a circle whose centre is
everywhere and circumference is nowhere. So the circle is a vision of limitless
possibilities, just like the Fool in perpetual motion, ever restlessly roaming
the world.
Fool reminds us that the center of the universe is here - where we are now - and there - wherever the Fool might show up next.
Nothing comes from nothing.
Everything comes from nothing.
contains a wealth of concepts and yet it is nothing. The biggest questions in
science and religion are about nothingness and eternity – the void and the
infinite. Zero has been rejected and exiled and yet it has always defeated
those who opposed it.
is a profound problem. It has the potential to unsettle the very foundations of
thinking in physics and philosophy – it forces us to ask the ultimate questions
of the meaning of life.
Zero provides us a
glimpse of the ineffable and the infinite – it is in fact infinity’s twin both
equal and opposite, paradoxical and troublesome.
really matters
Freddie Mercury
We moderns know that
Nothing –no-thing - is really something because it occupies space and contains
power. Our computer keyboard affirms this reality.
Yet in the West,
during the late Middle Ages when tarot emerged, zero was a dangerous idea to be
feared and outlawed. For nearly two millennia the West could not accept zero.
It had had no place within the Pythagorean framework.
What shape
could zero be? Its irrationality made non-sense of the Greeks neat and ordered
universe, so Pythagoras and Aristotle rejected and ignored it.
Medieval Christian scholars, who imported their ideas from the Greeks and
Romans, included this fear of the infinite and horror of the void.
Satan was
considered literally Nothing.
The circulus – little circle – was the brand burned into the forehead or the cheeks of criminals in the Middle Ages.
ain’t seen nothing yet
Al Jolson
other parts of the world however, zero was embraced very early on. The Indian
Hindus readily accommodated a wide variety of concepts about nothingness.
Unlike Christianity and Judaism who sought to flee from the void as it was
considered a state of poverty and anathema – the Indian religious traditions
accepted non-being on an equal footing with that of being. Zero formed a
coherent whole. Nothing was a state, from which one might have come and to
which one might return. Furthermore, these transitions might occur many times –
without beginning and without end. In Buddhist teachings, one sought to achieve
Nirvana – the being at oneness with the cosmos.
O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and
count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams
W. Shakespeare in Hamlet
zero wormed its way into European society, firstly through its use by traders
and merchants. The Muslim world had long accepted the wonderful zero and
convinced the Jews that the Arabic counting system was far superior to Roman
numerals. Throughout the 13th century, Italian merchants began to
put commercial pressure on their governments to eventually accept zero in the
business world.
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Masolino 1425 |
artists took up zero’s cause. At exactly the time tarot appeared in Northern
Italy, an Italian architect Filippo
Brunelleschi demonstrated the power of the infinite zero by painting a
vanishing point. In the 15th century he placed a zero point in the centre of his drawing of
a Florentine building and thereby magically transformed Western art, turning
two dimensional work into 3 dimensions.
the church and its scholars were forced into the realization that the earth is
not the centre of the universe. Nicholas
of Cusa and Nicolaus Copernicus
cracked open the nutshell universe of Aristotle and Ptolemy.
Among the great things which are found among
us, the existence of Nothing is the greatest
Leonardo da Vinci
In this millennium, the 2000s – the age of the ‘naughtys’ - the zero has become commonplace. There are many more zeros around today than when Tarot emerged into being and in fact, than anytime in history. Because of binary arithmetic, computer calculations and codes, astronomy’s billions of stars within the known universe, not to mention national debts – we are accustomed to the ubiquitous zero.
our mathematics, we announce each decade with zero as that circular no-thing
recycles and ushers in the next cycle i.e. from 9 to 10 or 19 to 20 and so on.
By adding
a few zeros we increase our source of income. Add a few more zeros and the
banks and speculators move us into hyper-inflation. We assume that zero moves
us into infinity, as we take for granted that zero increases a number 10-fold,
a hundred fold and on and on ad infinitum….
Much ado about nothing
does zero’s Fool fit? Is s/he first or last in a sequence ?
is neither below nor less than one. If we count forwards we generally start
with number 1. Except for the Mayans, nobody had a year zero or started a month
with day zero. To Europeans, that seems unnatural. Yet if we count backwards,
it is second nature. – 9,8,7 … …O - we have liftoff! The bomb goes off at ground zero. An
important event happens at zero hour
not at one hour.
has become a commonplace - we name Year Zero as the time when the unspeakable
began in Cambodia and Ground Zero in New York City marks an historical spot.
baby turns one after a year’s life which surely means the baby was zero years
old before that first birthday?
January 1st 2000 cartoon)
It is a silly, childish discussion and only
exposes the want of brains of those who maintain a contrary opinion to that we
have stated
The Times (London) December 26th
Westerners left the Fool out when our calendar was devised – there is no year
zero. Hence the wonderful joke of the third millennium with its spectacular
world-wide opening ceremonies taking place a year early on December 31st
1999, when really it began in the year 2001.
The Divine Bum - ‘’King of the Road”
zero, Tarot emerged into early Rennaissance Europe and its Fool was pictured as
crazy, mad and an itinerant
word fool comes from the Old French fol from the Latin follis meaning a “pair of bellows”or “a windbag”. The tarot Fool
indeed often carries an inflated bladder. Today’s clowns sometimes carry a pair
of bellows maintaining that ancient connection with the windy folly of their
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Visconti Fool - early 15th century |
from the Latin buffo means toad and the Italian buffare
means “to puff” also suggesting a windbag.
Fool’s French name Fou means madman and is cognate with the word fire, echoing the connection with light
and energy. Folle means madwoman and Folie
means folly. In the Swiss deck, the Fool is called Le Mat meaning “the dull one”.
Often court fools were mentally retarded and therefore considered to have a special relationship to the spirit. Affectionately called “God’s folk” the village idiots were cared for by the community as they were considered under protection – touched by God.
once meant blessed. To be “silly” in
a Medieval sense meant to be holy and sensitive to religious impulse.
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Mitelli Fool |
the image of The Fool is shown in medieval and Renaissance engravings as a
child of the Moon (La Luna ); the
Fool as a luna-tic. The 17th century Fool in the Mitelli deck from
Bologna may be a lunatic.
is a word that comes from the French and originally meant “someone who recites gestes or heroic tales”. This suggests
an earlier role of fools being all-round Minstrels and troubadours. Many
centuries later, the 20th century “song and dance men” of
Vaudeville, Burlesque, Music Hall, both pre-and post-television and moving
pictures have entertained the masses royally.
Fool was also at home in the Medieval Morality plays, free to move on and off
the stage, improvising both with the other actors as well as with the audience.
Harlequin and his mates Pantaloon, Scaramouche and Pulchinello of the Italian Commedia Dell’ Arte complete with their
hectic slapstick craziness, derive from this foolish, time-honoured, theatrical
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Commedia Dell'Arte at Carnivale Time in Venice |
Clown is a native English word probably from the Celtic meaning “ a boorish rustic” and cognate with the word “clod” meaning “country bumpkin” and used interchangeably with “Fool” in Elizabethan times. Circus clowns are known for their droll buffoonery.
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None so deaf as those who won't hear |
have been many names for the Fool as there are colours in his crazy clothing.
Buffoon, Harlequin, Joker, Droll, Zany, Punch, Vice, Puck, Jack Pudding and
Merry Andrew are a few of his names in English.
Folly, Sister to Wisdom
Hain’t we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain’t that a big enough majority in any town?
Mark Twain in Huckleberry Finn
of the Fool were common in the Renaissance at the time the Tarot appeared in
Europe. Literature, theatre and people’s daily life abounded with Fools.
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Feast of Fools Frans Floris the Elder 1540-70 |
Fool was celebrated in folk festivals. Our modern April Fool’s Day is a pale
left-over from the outrageous anarchic carnivals and Mardi Gras of Medieval
times when the Lord Of Misrule overturned the strict hierarchies of the times
at the Winter Solstice and on Holy Innocents’ Day. Foolery, drunkenness and
cross-dressing ruled the day. Every small town and large city held a rowdy
parade that a crowned Fool headed in triumph.
Topsy-turvey ruled,
gender-bending expected when even wives had license to beat their husbands.
we try it this Xmas time 2014?
the literature of the time, the Fool’s mother was called Folly and it is she
who is sister to Wisdom. Shakespeare’s motto that a wise man knows he is a
fool, recalls the famous assertion of Socrates, wisest of the Greeks, who said
he knew only that he knew nothing.
century Tarot artist Brian Williams
re-launched 15th century Sebastian
Brandt’s wonderful Das Narrenschiff
- The Ship of Fools (written in1494)
with his Tarot of Fools deck in 2002.
The allegory of foolish humanity all in the same boat sailing oblivious through
the world, seems especially poignant in this environmentally fragile era of our
global village.
the great Dutch humanist portrayed Folly as Goddess in his masterpiece In Praise of Folly published in 1511. To
Erasmus, Folly encompassed all forms of Unreason and defended the “creative
vital instincts of humanity against the encroachment of the analytical reason.
For although Folly “may have no altars or temples, she is nevertheless the most
universally worshipped and beloved and obeyed of all the deities who bear sway
over human affairs.” Folly “fosters the pleasing allusions which make life
would work without Folly? What would sex be? Folly is the very giver of life
for is not the very act that brings humans into existence filled with folly?
The Court Jester
The revelation of laughter
T’were better Charity
To leave me in the Atom’s Tomb –
Merry and Nought, and gay and numb –
Than this smart Misery.
Emily Dickinson
played a large part in medieval life and were an integral part of every feudal
court. Sometimes they could even attain certain renown. Mattello was one such
fool. His name is derived from the Italian matto
and he was the court fool to Isabella
d’Este, Marchioness of Mantua.
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Cleopatra's Feast. Jacob Jordans |
Lords and Popes found a place for a Fool in their households and there s/he was
kept in an honored position. The Fool’s job was to entertain their master and
mistress and to remind him that like Caesar, he was only human and open to
error. Theoretically at court, the poor Fool was the one person immune from
retribution for quips at the master’s expense. However all too often s/he
became the butt for cruel jokes, so s/he was also a scapegoat.
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Dwarf jester. Velazquez |
come in all shapes and sizes, often absurd, grotesque physical specimens, which
emphasized their role as an outsider. There were giant fool and dwarf fools. Jimmie Camber who lived in the early
1500s and was the pet dwarf of King
James 5 of Scotland, was said to be “just over a yard high and two yards in
girth” (round the waist).
were learned fools who specialised in clever wordplay. Some university
professors took part-time jobs as buffoons to supplement their meager teaching
salaries. Buffoonery could pay so well, that many could give up teaching
entirely. Some dwarf fools were prominent in other professions and many were
you see my tongue in my cheek as we make the connections in our contemporary world?..….(Tim
Minchin et al)
male and female could play the Fool. In the 1600’s Mathurine was the favorite fool of three French Kings.
modern-day equivalents – of which there are many - are easy to spot! Each country and time
period has ‘em. Our modern media is full of Fools.
Bottom or Simpleton
Taboo is the Fool’s terrain
Fool, slippery as s/he is, can be divided roughly into two types, although s/he
has the capacity to be in both camps.
Buffoon, like the clown is Shakespeare’s John
Falstaff or Sir Tony Belch. Lots
of noise, spiteful, full of guile, rapacious, lying, deceitful, greedy and
Whilst we laugh at poor Bottom wearing asses ears in Midsummer’s Night’s Dream we are
reminded that ignorance is the place we all start learning from.
are familiar with the buffoon in drag in Pantomime or Capping Concerts. All
Fools love to cross-dress and confound sexual stereotypes. Australia’s Dame Edna is a marvelous modern
Buffoon/ Fool.
thumb their noses and show their bottoms at convention and authority. Their
tomfoolery includes iconoclasm, disrespect and subversion. Jennifer Saunders and Pamela
Stephenson in the TV series Absolutely
Fabulous are two buffoons spilling venom at the fashion industry and all
other aspects of the filthy rich’s lifestyle.
there is the Holy Innocent, often a simpleton or saint-like Forrest Gump character.
The Idiot in Dosteovesky’s book by the same name is a beautiful example. Prince Mishkin is an epileptic who “sees” things with a heightened awareness and personifies the redemptive power of simplicity plus faith.
The Idiot in Dosteovesky’s book by the same name is a beautiful example. Prince Mishkin is an epileptic who “sees” things with a heightened awareness and personifies the redemptive power of simplicity plus faith.
Mentally and physically abnormal, a Fool is always an
outsider who is set apart and therefore sees the world in a different way.
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PoMo Tarot by Brian Williams |
from the Arthurian legends was a great fool, relying on complete naive
intuition. He was fool enough NOT to ask and eventually then to ask the one
simple question that was needed to redeem the Wasteland.
the foolhardy youngest brother or sister in fairy tales who rushes in where
angels fear to tread and by doing so, wins the hand of the princ/ess and the
kingdom, the Fool’s approach to life combines wisdom AND folly, which can
result in miracles.
Fool harbors surprising depths. Either or neither, idiot or jester, he unites
Shakespeare’s Caliban – willful,
dark and unformed – and Ariel –
capering, graceful and brilliant “from the sublime to the ridiculous”. Napoleon said “there is but a step
between them” The Fool shows us how the sublime and the ridiculous are one and
the same.
Fool, like zero, employs and embodies paradox, the exception that does not deny
the rule, but manages to escape it, or break it. S/he blurs distinctions,
especially in the area of sexuality and spirituality. An ambiguous figure of
fun, s/he can be both grossly obscene and (w)holy innocent. The Fool criticises
the ego while celebrating the self. The Fool scatters certainty about sexual
identity. The Fool often represents the marginalised and the dispossessed.
Taboo is the Fool’s terrain. Nothing is sacred and comedy is his/her way of
entering it.
Fool is our guide who does not know where s/he is. A medieval text tells of the
Fool Philip, who was given a new
shirt by his master. Philip put on the shirt and ran all through the house
asking everyone who he was, for he did not recognise himself in his new
then there’s the child in Hans Christian
Anderson’s tale The Emperor’s New
Clothes – who speaks like the jester without punishment or censure… to the
whole community trapped in illusion…. “But look, the Emperor is wearing no
The Fool is the
revelation of laughter and the embodiment of mirth. Laughter expresses a
complex of derision, fear, triumph, outrage, sexuality and union. Laughter happens when we are totally
involved, absorbed in the moment and/or looking on as an observer, standing
quite apart from the moment. Laughter breaks us out of ourselves and may
restore proportion, whilst reflecting skepticism and credulousness. Often
though, a fit of the giggles does NOT restore order, but increases the
silliness of the moment. The Fool scorns our orthodoxies, and substitutes
absurdities, encouraging us to believe them because s/he does.
It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to
seem foolish.
Fool is also the most tragic figure of all. In Shakespeare’s King Lear, the Fool is the King’s
constant companion witnessing the ultimate exposure and defeat of the King.
King Lear is progressively stripped, first of his worldly power, then of
ordinary human dignity, then of the necessities of life, to physical nakedness,
helpless and abject as any animal. Then on the heath, as he loses even his
sanity, the poor mad king is guided by his half-witted court jester. Throughout
Shakespeare’s tragedy, the Fool is the impartial critic, the mouthpiece of
truth and real sanity. Shakespeare invests Lear with motley and crowns the
Fool. In his dotage, King Lear cries “When we are born, we cry that we are come
to this great stage of fools”.
Contemporary Fools
….. fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Alexander Pope. Essay on Criticism.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Fools rush in where wise men never go…
Elvis Presley
The demise of the fool - at least as an institution and as an accepted part of
the ruling classes’ everyday life - began in the 17th century. The 1790 image shows us a stern nymph
admonishing the fool in ass’s ears. “Know Thyself she instructs…. Tut tut – the
Age of Reason(?!) and political
correctedness is upon us.
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From Marina Warner's From Beast to Blonde |
Of course in the
modern age the Fool is still within and without - everywhere we are surrounded
by fools, Fools abound. Popular culture is their playground and they pop up
wherever you may least expect them - in our music, on the radio and TV, and of
course in the movies.
is real
Fields Forever
The Beatles
of my favorite Fools are:-
Lewis Carrol was a fabulous Fool,
as is his Book Alice in Wonderland itself.
Charlie Chaplin
like Don Quixote tilting against
reality, the little tramp is the quintessential fool… with his gift for
self-mockery, exploiting his own absurdities without any apparent loss of
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Jack Lemmon & Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot |
Marilyn Monroe
played The Fool in most of her movies where the Hollywood macho machine forced
her into being the dumb child blonde. However she transcended her
sex-objectification in roles such as Some
Like it Hot or Diamonds are a Girls’
Best Friends with her comedic
sense of timing and naivety in taking things at their face or literal value.
Her waif-like vulnerability was often ingenuously, genuinely funny.
Peter Sellers, Mae West, Judy Holliday, Lucille Ball,
Guiletta Masina
(Fellini’s wife in her role in his masterpiece movie La Strada ) all fit the bill.
The great Sammy Davis Junior, Vaudeville and
Music hall “song and dance man”
Jack Nicolson’s The Joker in
the movie Batman
He has no past and is never seen without the wild
make-up of a joker in a deck of cards.
T. James in his brilliant rendition as The Mexican Kid in the immortal NZ
movie Came a Hot Friday .
Jim Carrey in The Truman
Show plays a classic Fool, Peewee’s Big
Adventure is a memorable movie tribute to the Fool.
Rowan Atkinson and
company in the BlackAdder series and
John Cleese in Fawlty Towers, Billy Connolly, Stephen Fry, Miranda and Russell
Brand are all hilarious fools.
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Buster Keaton |
And then there are
the groups of fools and eccentrics - the Buffoons; the Keystone Cops in the 1930s,
The Marx Brothers 1940’s, the Carry
On Films from the 1950s, Spike Milligan and The Goons
1950s, Dad’s Army and The Hillbilly’s 1960s TV, The Young Ones 1980s.
And the inimitable Monty Python – their classic ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (and
Death)’ as they swing from the crosses of Gethsemene in the Movie Life of Brian
And then there’s real
The hippies and the
young at heart of all ages, wearing a medley of colours affecting rags and
patches, baubles and bells. Maybe the motley of psychedelic colours of the ‘60s
and ‘70s presaged a new dawn of consciousness for all of us? Remember those
cries – oxymorons all – of “free love”
and “make peace not war” while
sticking flowers down the barrels of the soldiers’ guns…. Ah how foolish we
were! Pied Pipers and Peter Pans all.
Banksy the graffiti artist continues
the great tradition of mocking the establishment.
wanderers traveling around with all their worldly goods slung over their
shoulder. Tramps, hobos, transvestites, cross-dressers…. Fools are punks and
drunks, the social outcasts, the homeless, the bawds – the Fool is us.
The centre of reality is wherever one happens
to be, and its circumference is whatever one’s imagination can make sense of.
Margaret Atwood
King and his court can be a lovely symbol for the inner world of our psyche.
The child/fool criticizes or resists the King, who stands for our adult ego -
while celebrating the innocent self. S/he is equally at home in the everyday world
of ‘reality’ where most of us try to live most of the time, and in the
non-verbal world of the imagination where we visit not nearly enough.
Puck, Oberon’s Jester in Midsummers
Night’s Dream, the Fool connects the two worlds of reality and imagination.
Puck mixes them up and makes fun of waking consciousness.
what fools these mortals are!”
Fool’s world is often bizarre and delights in illusion and the imaginary. It is
the Cheshire cat’s grin. It destroys logic and entertains in puzzle. It lies in
the singularity of the Big Bang and the heart of black holes. The Fool will
always have the last laugh.
us celebrate and crown our own Fool. “Ask – “where’s the Fool in my life?
the Fool in my family or workplace, the community, the funny old world?”
skip into and through our own lives, looking for the Fool, playing the Fool,
being the Fool.
“Esser come il Matto nel tarocchi”
be like the tarot Fool – all over the place, at home everywhere and nowhere)
From the Chrysalis
My cocoon tightens, colours tease.
I’m feeling for the air:
A dim capacity for wings
Degrades the dress I wear.
A power of butterfly must be
The aptitude to fly.
Meadows of majesty concedes
And easy sweeps of sky.
So I must baffle at the hint
And cipher at the sign.
And make much blunder, if at last
I take the dew divine.
Emily Dickinson
Please excuse changes of font size and weird layout. The Fool is at work - the blog software is misbehaving and I am sick of trying to fix it!
Please excuse changes of font size and weird layout. The Fool is at work - the blog software is misbehaving and I am sick of trying to fix it!
Books and Magazines – (authors listed alphabetically)
PLAYS A study of Satire in the Sottie by
Heather Arden. Cambridge University
Press 1980.
BOOK OF NOTHING by John d. Barrow.
Vintage 2000.
The Rise and Demise of an American Jester by Joseph Boskin. Oxford University Press 1986.
KING’S FOOL A Book about Medieval and Rennaissance Fools. By Dana Fradon. Duttons Children’s Books
Fuller. From Gnosis a Journal of Western Inner Traditions No. 19 Spring
Abacus Press 1971.
ORIGINS OF THE TAROT From Ancient Roots to Modern Usage by Paul Huson. Destiny Books 2004
AND THE TAROT An Archetypal Journey by Sallie
Nichols. Samuel Weiser Inc 1980.
The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles
Seife. Souvenir Press 2000
OF CHAOS by Lynda Sexson from
Parabola. Myth and the Quest For Meaning. The Trickster Vol 4 No. 1 Tamarack
by Barbara Walker. Harper San
Francisco 1983.
THE BEAST TO THE BLONDE On Fairytales and Their Tellers by Marina Warner. Chatto and Windus 1994.
FOOL His Social and Literary History by Enid Welsford. Gloucester Mass. 1966.
OF FOOLS by Brian Williams Llewellyn
Publications 2002
ON TOP Symbolic Sexual Inversion and
Political Disorder in Early Modern Europe. From Society and Culture in Early
Modern France by Natalie Zemon Davis.
Sanford University Press 1975.
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