Ukraine Is Not A Brothel is
the name of the 2013 debut movie by Australian Kitty Green. There was a Question and Answer session after the
screening I attended with Ms Green herself - just flown in from Kiev. I was
lucky enough to see it at the International Film Festival - lucky, because I
found there to be an unfortunate lack of context in this interesting documentary. It
was edifying to have Kitty Green fill in some of the gaps with her frank
observations about the young women she was interviewing. The group they
belonged to is named Femen. In the
movie, the origins of the group were unclear. The male mastermind behind these
young women was such a sinister character, it was good to hear a little more
about the befores and afters that are not shown in the movie.
Despite its fragmentary story-telling,
it is a film worth seeing. Even without knowing hardly any historical and
personal background, the film raises so many provoking questions; about our definitions
of feminism, and the ways in which any contemporary protest movement must
operate in society’s open marketplace where everything is for sale. The movie
also gives us a sketchy outline of the horrible living conditions that so many
women suffer within deeply patriarchal Ukraine.
Femen apparently has been around for years
and was founded in 2008 by a male chauvinist pig who got himself a group of teenage
girls to carry out his political (and no doubt sexual) orders. They created
their market niche in the Ukrainian and global media by protesting topless
against sex trafficking and prostitution. The visuals show the same old sexist
story – the male gaze lapping up beautiful female flesh; lacisivious men
purving on young breasts and gorgeous bodies. The movie cleverly catches the male
cameramen poking their predatory phallic cameras at the women’s painted bodies.
Tantalising rough trade as the girls screaming noisily, get dragged off by the
It’s the first feminist movement I
have heard of whose leader was a man. Women’s Liberation in its many historical
phases has always arisen out of women speaking to themselves and eventually
being heard by the rest of society if only for a short time. Now the 21st
century has given us this phenomenon of a self-proclaimed ‘father of feminism’
(excuse me while I puke). Needless to say he appears to be a bit of an
egotistical tyrant, (surprise, surprise). He has eventually been ousted from
the job (although the movie does not show us this particular joy). What it did
show was one of the young women talking about how she felt they were his
‘slaves’. Another girl talked of them suffering the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’. And
we did hear some of his verbal abuse he poured upon his gals.
Their stunts were similar to Russia’s Pussy Riot – who apparently rose to
fame after the Femen protestors.
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Pussy Riot in Moscow's Cathedral |
However unlike Pussy Riot who were always women-led and utterly their own women, the
Ukrainians were always only allowed to be a member of Femen
if they were skinny and pretty. They shamelessly employed their sex appeal in
their war against their country’s sexual tourism and its embedded misogyny. One
protest was an exception when a very fat woman Alexander, paraded her body in a
G-String outside the metro station, whilst the clothed, blonde skinnies around
her screamed their warnings of a ‘sex bomb’. While Alexander assured us she is
politically engaged and respects Femen,
this protest was very uncomfortable to watch from my New Zealand feminist
perspective. It highlighted the groups’ dubious politics about women’s bodies,
but then I guess all their protests did just that. Sextremism is their name of
the game.
The thing is, that their message which
is strong and true becomes obscured by the carnal shock value of the medium.
Similar to the bra burners of the early 1970s, the taboo-breaking overwhelms
the reason for it in the collective memory. Society only remembers how to trivialise
and mock the ‘bra burners’ or the topless hussies and forgets how truly
terrible were and are the reasons for protest.
The global corporatized media only
ever fitfully reports feminist happenings. Women’s voices are marginalized and cry in the
wilderness to other women. Despite the desperation driving the causes of sexual
slavery, domestic violence, rape etc etc, the media in general does not see fit
to provide a platform for feminism, despite its ever-growing groundswell amongst the
world’s population. You may or may not remember sometime back, seeing on your
TV sets these topless Ukrainian women. However Femen did make the news – and still does in Europe – for their
protest tactics grab the attention of those greedy cameras. Sensation is always
When taboos against nakedness and
female docility are challenged, the media drools and slathers. The spectacle of
those luscious maidens turning into shrieking harpies of ancient myth cannot be
resisted by the great Entertainment Circus. The young women in the film
repeatedly talked of their ‘brand’ and their ‘product’ – they have got
themselves a great marketing device. After all the media understands – as we all do
- women always sell their bodies. It’s usually their only bargaining chip in
patriarchies such as the Ukraine – so let’s all get a piece and an eyeful.
After writing this I
listened to National Radio’s Kim Hill interview with Kitty Green on July 26th.
Here is a little précis of that interview, which backgrounds the film and Femen.
Kitty who is Australian has a grandmother
who speaks Ukrainian and she has learned the language herself. She lived with the
six girls for months in a 2 bedroom apartment, filming them and their protests.
Because she established such trust and affection for the women, she has made an
intimate portrait of them. She made the film solo and cut it on her laptop by
herself. There was no funding, until after she showed Jane Campion the film.
This is her 3rd movie.
She calls the young women’s protests bizarre, bold and beautiful. They didn’t only protest about sex tourism and
trafficking, but against animals being starved in a zoo, the tyranny of the
Ukrainian leadership and religion. Kitty saw the girls as very brave for they
suffered much physical and emotional trauma from police brutality, beatings and
Kitty herself was abducted by the KGB
when shooting the raid into Belarus that the movie showed – she was separated
out from the women and put in prison – a terrifying experience!
Kitty believes Femen has raised
enormous consciousness about feminism in the Ukraine for before Femen, feminism
was an unknown concept there, especially with young women. In the Ukrainian
workplace there are not many choices for young women that are not in the sex
trade. She believes that Femen’s sextremist tactics have raised much needed
discussion and ongoing conversation about how women use their bodies. Why don't you join Femen on Facebook
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How Brave is this! |
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